"Electroplating industry waste products, as well as waste containing mercury and chlorinated organics represent a particular danger," Rospotrebnadzor said, citing the federal program devoted to Russia's national system of chemical and biological security for 2009-2013.
The Volga Federal District has the maximum number of waste products, about 400 tons per 1 square km. The Southern and Central Federal districts' pollution levels are 267 tons and 211 tons per square km accordingly.
The level is 190 tons per sq km in the Urals Federal District, and 139 tons per sq km in the Siberian Federal District, with the Northwestern and Far Eastern Federal districts being polluted the least - with 70 and 16 tons per sq km correspondingly.
There are several special sites in Russia to store and process dangerous industrial waste in the northern, southern and central parts of the country.
"However, there is a lack of effective technical solutions to dispose of and neutralize toxic industrial waste. Dangerous waste processing technologies are often based on the thermal destruction method, whose use is connected with an additional pollution of the atmosphere," the document said.
The federal program has been developed by the health, defense, agriculture, emergency situations and trade ministries, as well as regulators. A total of 34 billion rubles ($1.2 billion) will be spent on the program.