Over the last few weeks, members of the youth organization held surveys to identify which countries had the most antagonistic relations with Russia in 2008. According to the organization's poll, the "winners" were Georgia, the United States and Ukraine. The gifts are to be delivered to the appropriate embassies in Moscow on Friday with the inscription "to be hand-delivered."
Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili will be sent several pickled ties as a gift, "just in case he gets anxious and begins to chew on his wardrobe accessories publicly in the future," the press release read.
Saakashvili was caught on camera in August nervously chewing his garment while discussing the Georgian-Russian conflict by telephone with a top Western official. Saakashvili caused an internet sensation with his tie-chewing antics, which were aired by the BBC.
Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko will be sent coal and logs as alternative energy sources to oil and gas. The country is locked in a dispute with Russian energy giant Gazprom over debts of more than $2 billion.
A second gift will highlight Ukraine's relations with the United States. Yushchenko will get a redesigned Ukrainian flag that combines the U.S. flag, the blue and yellow of the Ukrainian flag, and a Nazi swastika, representing what Nashi says is his cultivation of fascism in the country.
And finally, U.S. President George W. Bush is to be given a new set of geopolitical world maps decorated with various mousetraps that symbolize NATO. Washington is seen as the main driver within NATO for Ukraine's and Georgia's efforts to join the military alliance, and Russia is also at loggerheads with the United States over plans to place a missile defense system in the Czech Republic and Poland.