CAIRO, June 2 (RIA Novosti) - Russian diplomats were finally given access to Russian students, who have been held in custody in Egypt for almost a week, as Cairo authorities released 10 others on Tuesday, a Russian embassy official said.
"They gave us a few minutes for the meeting," the official said.
On Wednesday night, Egyptian authorities held a string of raids on apartments rented by foreign students in a Cairo district and arrested dozens of students from different countries, including 34 from Russia, mainly from the North Caucasus region.
Earlier a number of Russians were also released, and the official said at least 17 Russian nationals remain in custody, with 14 of them to be deported to Russia for breaking local laws, including visa regulations.
Despite the absence of an official statement on the detention of foreigners, local media link the actions by Egyptian security agencies with U.S. President Barack Obama's visit to Cairo on June 4, saying security measures have been tightened in the days leading up to his arrival.