The world’s first nuclear power plant was commissioned on June 27, 1954 in Obninsk. The Obninsk nuclear power plant featured one 5 mWt AM-1 (Atom Mirny or Peaceful Atom) reactor to generate electricity and facilitate experimental nuclear research.

The world’s first nuclear power plant was commissioned on June 27, 1954 in Obninsk. The Obninsk nuclear power plant featured one 5 mWt AM-1 (Atom Mirny or Peaceful Atom) reactor to generate electricity and facilitate experimental nuclear research.
The Obninsk nuclear power plant became the first NPP to be decommissioned in Russia. After operating without a hitch for 48 years, the reactor was shut down on April 29, 2002.

The Obninsk nuclear power plant became the first NPP to be decommissioned in Russia. After operating without a hitch for 48 years, the reactor was shut down on April 29, 2002.
A reactor-crane console at the Obninsk nuclear power plant. Background: An AM-1 (Atom Mirny or Peaceful Atom) reactor.

A reactor-crane console at the Obninsk nuclear power plant. Background: An AM-1 (Atom Mirny or Peaceful Atom) reactor.
Model of fuel-assembly tube of fast neutron reactor on display at the world’s first nuclear power plant in Obninsk, now a nuclear power industry museum

Model of fuel-assembly tube of fast neutron reactor on display at the world’s first nuclear power plant in Obninsk, now a nuclear power industry museum
The reactor room and the AM-1 reactor of the Obninsk nuclear power plant.

The reactor room and the AM-1 reactor of the Obninsk nuclear power plant.
The central control room of the world’s first NPP in Obninsk. The red button was used to shut down the reactor in an emergency.

The central control room of the world’s first NPP in Obninsk. The red button was used to shut down the reactor in an emergency.
The central control room of the world’s first nuclear power plant, Obninsk, which was decommissioned in 2002.

The central control room of the world’s first nuclear power plant, Obninsk, which was decommissioned in 2002.
The central control room of the world’s first nuclear power plant, Obninsk, which was decommissioned in 2002.

The central control room of the world’s first nuclear power plant, Obninsk, which was decommissioned in 2002.