Winter came to Beijing much earlier this year than in the past two decades. The first snow fell on November 1.
Winter came to Beijing much earlier this year than in the past two decades. The first snow fell on November 1.
Media later reported that early snowfalls were triggered by special weather services in an effort to cope with regional draught.
Media later reported that early snowfalls were triggered by special weather services in an effort to cope with regional draught.
The winter came suddenly this year and trees didn’t even have time to drop their still green leaves.
The winter came suddenly this year and trees didn’t even have time to drop their still green leaves.
Last week, temperatures hovered at + 15 degrees Celsius in Beijing.
Last week, temperatures hovered at + 15 degrees Celsius in Beijing.
Cyclists were the hardest hit.
Cyclists were the hardest hit.
Road salt was set aside for clearing city streets. And thousands of volunteers shoveled the snow away.
Road salt was set aside for clearing city streets. And thousands of volunteers shoveled the snow away.
Young people built sculptures from the snow left untouched by street cleaners.
Young people built sculptures from the snow left untouched by street cleaners.
The inclement weather claimed at least one fatality in central and northern China, while several more persons are reported missing.
The inclement weather claimed at least one fatality in central and northern China, while several more persons are reported missing.
Over 90 flights were cancelled at Beijing’s Shoudu international airport due to the snowfall.
Over 90 flights were cancelled at Beijing’s Shoudu international airport due to the snowfall.