NIZNY NOVGOROD, November 14 (RIA Novosti) - Heating has been restored in houses in the Volga city of Ulianovsk, close to a military depot hit by fire and subsequent blasts, a local emergencies service spokesman said on Saturday.
A blaze started at about 1:00 p.m. GMT at an ammunitions depot belonging to the Russian Navy, followed by a series of blasts. At least two people were killed and 11 are listed as missing, according to recent reports. The region's government said three people had been admitted to hospitals in serious condition.
Gas supplies and heating in neighboring districts have been switched off for safety reasons despite below zero temperatures.
"At 0:20 Moscow time [21:20 GMT] heating was restored in the district. A total of 60 rescuers and 17 fire engines are still working at the site of the incident," Oleg Zugeyev said.
The fire is expected to be put out completely on Saturday morning.
Zugeyev said eight buildings had been seriously damaged in the fire and blasts. Less serious damage, such as broken windows, was done to about a hundred houses. About 3,000 people were evacuated from the "danger radius."
An aide to the region's governor, Sergei Davydov, told journalists that the blast wave broke windows even in some villages outside the city.