China has pledged to continue its support of UN peacekeeping operations, while a senior army official said the missions also need major reforms to meet new challenges.
According to China Daily, General Chen Bingde, chief of the General Staff of Chinese Armed Forces, said on Friday UN peacekeeping operations faced difficulties in policymaking, financial guarantees and planning and management.
Chen, who he met with Alain Le Roy, UN under-secretary-general for peacekeeping operations, said reform should give higher priority to "cooperation with regional organizations."
"The ultimate goal should be to improve management and efficiency of peacekeeping operations."
Chen said China would "work with the international community to contribute to preserving world peace and security."
China has sent more than 14,000 peacekeepers, mostly military observers, engineers and medics, to UN-led operations in the past 20 years, according to the Defense Ministry.
MOSCOW, November 21 (RIA Novosti)