Talks on Russian natural gas supplies to Poland ended in Warsaw on Thursday without the signing of an agreement, but reports of progress.
The talks, led by Polish deputy economics minister Joanna Strzelec-Lobodzinska and Russian deputy Energy Minister Anatoly Yanovsky, were also attended by Russian energy giant Gazprom deputy CEO Alexander Medvedev.
"We have agreed on 90% of issues - there will be one more round," Strzelec-Lobodzinska said after the meeting.
"We have moved forward considerably on the main provisions in the document - first of all additional deliveries of gas... and price formation," Yanovsky said.
A regular round of the gas talks is expected to take place in Moscow, and Strzelec-Lobodzinska said it would be held "in Russia after December 5."
Russia annually supplies 8 billion cubic meters of gas to Poland. Poland consumes 14 billion cu m annually, covering a third of the consumption (about 5 bcm) with its own resources. Over 90% of the gas bought by Poland comes from Russia.
In 2008 Gazprom export arm Gazprom Export exported to Poland 7.9 bcm of gas.
The gas exports to Poland and its transit through the country's territory are carried out in line with long-term contracts with PGNiG and EuRoPol GAZ, concluded on the basis of a 1993 intergovernmental agreement and its addenda.
WARSAW, November 26 (RIA Novosti)