Russian President Dmitry Medvedev summed up the results of 2009 in a live interview aired by three federal television channels.
Medvedev said:
- Russia's nuclear deterrence will always be strong enough to defend national interests
- he will sign a law later in the day to reform the Interior Ministry
- the Interior Ministry undoubtedly needs major, drastic changes, and they will be undertaken
- changes in the country's top establishment should take place, but they should not be sweeping
- Russia has survived the global economic crisis with no major losses
- Russia can see a GDP growth of 2.5% to 5% next year
- his friendly relations with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin remain unchanged
- Russia needs a modern, efficient and well organized military
- U.S. President Barack Obama is a strong politician, and they have developed sincere relations
- he is dissatisfied with the results of the recent climate change conference in Copenhagen
- no force would be used to carry out modernization in Russia.
- Russia does not support any candidate in Ukrainian parliamentary elections but hopes for friendly relations with Ukraine regardless of the poll results
- electronic voting system will be introduced at all polling stations across Russia
- he is in favor of tough control over migrant workers
- control over pharmaceutical prices is essential
- migrant drivers must receive a Russian driver license to operate passenger transportation
- he has no doubt that those guilty for the Nevsky Express train explosion will be found
- he will demand a reappraisal of Russian legislation in closing all the loopholes in the illegal gambling business
- he suggests banning alcohol consumption for drivers even if in small amounts
MOSCOW, December 24 (RIA Novosti)