Ukrainian national energy company Naftogaz has paid Gazprom in full for Russian gas deliveries in December, the company's press secretary said on Wednesday.
"The company paid Gazprom for gas supplied in December 2009 in full and on time," Valentin Zemlyansky said, adding the payment was made even before the deadline.
The deadline for Ukraine's payment for natural gas supplied in December has been moved from January 7 to January 11, 2010, due to the New Year holidays.
"Despite all internal political and economic problems, the company will continue to fulfill its strategic goals, such as providing Ukrainian consumers with a sufficient volume of natural gas, ensuring the uninterrupted transit of natural gas via the Ukrainian territory and the stable work of the whole Eurasian gas transportation system," Naftogaz said in a statement.
The company said some 96 bcm of Russian gas were transited to Europe via the Ukrainian territory in 2009.
There has been no confirmation of the payment by Russian energy giant Gazprom available.
Zemlyansky did not elaborated on where the funds to pay for Russian gas came from.
Earlier on Wednesday, Ukrainian energy minister Yury Prodan pledged to pay $892 million for Russian gas supplied in December on schedule.
However, President Viktor Yushchenko said Naftogaz was short of money to pay for gas on time and ordered Vladimir Stelmakh, head of Ukraine's National Bank, to resolve the problem.
On December 31, the IMF permitted the Ukrainian government to spend $2 billion from the National Bank's gold and foreign exchange reserves to pay for Russian gas deliveries.
Ukraine, which transits 80% of Russian gas to Europe, has received a total of 27 bcm in 2009, compared to an average of 55 bcm in the pre-crisis years.
Ukraine has earlier asked Gazprom to cut natural gas supplies to 7 billion cubic meters in the first quarter of 2010, from 8.75 bcm under the existing contract.
Kiev had paid 20% less than Russian gas consumers in Europe before the start of 2010. Starting from January 1, it is to pay the average European price.
KIEV, January 6 (RIA Novosti)