Russia is looking into allegations that its nationals are facing the illegal seizure of their real estate in Abkhazia, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said.
The Moskovsky Komsomolets daily reported that the Russian Foreign Ministry had sent a note of protest to the former Georgian republic, whose independence Russia recognized in 2008.
However, Igor Lyakin-Frolov denied the ministry had sent a note, but said it was studying the situation with Abkhaz officials.
The Russian daily said the situation was murky and apparently involved properties "acquired" by Russians at a time when the republic was still part of Georgia which expressly prohibited Russians from buying any real estate on its territory.
In other instances it involved apartments and buildings abandoned by Georgian refugees.
"We are not inclined to dramatize the situation, but this is a matter that should be addressed through joint efforts," Lyakin-Frolov said.
MOSCOW, February 4 (RIA Novosti)