White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs has poked fun at Sarah Palin, mimicking the former vice presidential candidate's idea to write notes on a palm.
Speaking in the White House briefing room on Tuesday, Gibbs showed reporters his left palm, on which the words "Eggs, Milk, Bread (crossed out), Hope, and Change" were written.
The press secretary said he crossed out bread, "just so I can make pancakes."
"And then I wrote down "hope and change," just in case I forgot," he added.
Palin, who had joked about President Obama's extensive use of the teleprompter, was mocked by bloggers after she used her hand as a notepad at the National Tea Party Convention last week. She had seven words ("Energy, Budget [crossed out] (Cuts), Tax, and Lift American spirits") scrawled on her hand during the convention.
WASHINGTON, February 10 (RIA Novosti)