Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych said on Friday that Russia's "political stability" gave it an advantage over Ukraine, which has lurched from one crisis to another in recent years.
Yanukovych was sworn in on February 25, succeeding Viktor Yushchenko, a leader of the 2004 pro-Western "Orange Revolution." Yushchenko frequently criticized Russia's political system as undemocratic.
"This political stability enabled Russia to have some advantages over Ukraine," Yanukovych, said on Friday during a joint press conference with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.
Ukraine has witnessed seemingly endless political turmoil over the last five years, with political infighting and power struggles hindering the country's development.
Yanukovych has pledged to steer a more balanced policy towards Russia than Yushchenko, whose policies, including a bid to take Ukraine into NATO, saw a rapid deterioration in bilateral ties.
The new Ukrainian leader also said that "by actively cooperating with each other in all areas," Russia and Ukraine could make a return to the good relations they "always had."
MOSCOW, March 5 (RIA Novosti)