Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez will open a blog to keep his readers posted and use as a battleground, national media reported on Monday.
"At the Miraflofles presidential palace, I could set up a computer, [launch an Internet] page and communicate with millions not only in Venezuela but throughout the world. I could have a foxhole on the Internet, a foxhole for battles in the global network," Chavez said.
He added that he could use the Internet to give a sound rebuff to his opponents, some of whom "use the Internet for actions including coups."
"I will be spreading plenty of information [on the Internet]," he said.
He denied media reports that the use of the Internet in Venezuela would be limited.
"It's a lie that we will restrict the Internet," he said, adding that during his rule the number of Internet users grew from 820,000 to 7.5 million and was set to rise further.
MOSCOW, March 22 (RIA Novosti)