Russia has a good chance of being awarded the right to host the 2018 World Cup, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.
"Today we have to resolve a range of problems connected with the guarantee we have given FIFA," Putin told a meeting of the inner Cabinet.
"The guarantee concerns issues of security, taxes, customs...and the timely construction of new stadiums," he went on.
He also said that all the necessary infrastructure for the tournament, including airports, roads and hotels, would be built even if Russia did not win the right to the World Cup.
Russia will hand over to FIFA its bid book for the tournament on May 14.
Russia's bid, which was officially launched last October, has the full support of the government, with a high-level steering committee established under First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov.
The country has seven competitors to host the 2018 World Cup, including England, Australia and joint bids from Belgium and the Netherlands and Spain and Portugal. A decision on the hosts for the 2018 and 2022 tournaments will be made in December.
MOSCOW, March 24 (RIA Novosti)