Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said on Thursday his government was ready to work to repair damage caused to relations with Russia by the previous 'Orange' presidency of Viktor Yushchenko.
"Restoring full-fledged relations with Russia is our goal," he said during a meeting with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. "You have already outlined various projects and we have brought new proposals for your government.
"We could significantly intensify work on agreements and sign them, proving we are ready for constructive work," Azarov added.
Azarov became prime minister earlier this month after his ally, Viktor Yanukovych, won presidential polls to replace Yushchenko, whose hostile course toward Russia had badly damaged relations between the two neighboring states. Yanukovych has promised Ukrainians a more balanced foreign policy, including better ties with Russia.
NOVO-OGARYOVO, Russia, March 25 (RIA Novosti)