Russian professional boxer and ex-heavyweight WBA champion Nikolai Valuyev has joined the United Russia party, a spokesman for the party said on Friday.
The "Russian Giant," Valuyev, 36, received his party membership card on Friday from the head of the United Russia branch in his hometown of St. Petersburg, Russia's second largest city.
Vadim Tulpanov said that Valuyev could participate in the party election campaign in parliament in the near future.
However, Valuyev, a former two-time WBA heavyweight champion, who lost his title in November, 2009, said he was considering his plans for the future but had "no intention to retire from sports."
In regard to his action plan as a United Russia party member, Valuyev said he planned to help develop children's sports, and in particular oversee the construction of boxing schools in St. Petersburg.
The United Russia, Russia's ruling party led by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, is known for attracting celebrities to its ranks to gain the support of Russian voters.
The party counts many sport figures among its members, including popular gymnasts Alina Kabayeva and Svetlana Khorkina.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 2 (RIA Novosti)