In a special Defense Ministry factory in Moscow, uniforms are being made for the top brass to wear for the Victory Day parade on May 9.
© RIA Novosti . Vladimir Fedorenko / Go to the mediabankMay 9 is less than a month away, and employees say the factory is working almost round the clock.

May 9 is less than a month away, and employees say the factory is working almost round the clock.
© RIA Novosti . Vladimir Fedorenko / Go to the mediabankThis year’s parade uniforms will be much more comfortable and practical.

This year’s parade uniforms will be much more comfortable and practical.
© RIA Novosti . Vladimir Fedorenko / Go to the mediabankUniforms are now double-breasted and have three rows of buttons instead of the usual four.

Uniforms are now double-breasted and have three rows of buttons instead of the usual four.
© RIA Novosti . Vladimir Fedorenko / Go to the mediabankThe crown of the service cap is now a couple of centimeters lower.

The crown of the service cap is now a couple of centimeters lower.
© RIA Novosti . Vladimir Fedorenko / Go to the mediabankThe epaulets are longer, extending beneath the collar.

The epaulets are longer, extending beneath the collar.
© RIA Novosti . Vladimir Fedorenko / Go to the mediabankThe epaulets, buttonholes, collars and cuffs will be embroidered with 5% gold bullion

The epaulets, buttonholes, collars and cuffs will be embroidered with 5% gold bullion
© RIA Novosti . Vladimir Fedorenko / Go to the mediabankThe gold-embroidered uniforms are much more expensive than the standard ones, factory employees say

The gold-embroidered uniforms are much more expensive than the standard ones, factory employees say
© RIA Novosti . Vladimir Fedorenko / Go to the mediabankOn May 9, Air Force pilots will march across Red Square in blue uniforms, seamen in white and black, and the army in sea green, instead of the standard olive green. These were the colors approved for the 1945 victory parade. They were also the colors of the Russian army under Peter the Great three centuries ago.

On May 9, Air Force pilots will march across Red Square in blue uniforms, seamen in white and black, and the army in sea green, instead of the standard olive green. These were the colors approved for the 1945 victory parade. They were also the colors of the Russian army under Peter the Great three centuries ago.
© RIA Novosti . Vladimir Fedorenko / Go to the mediabankThe same factory makes the jackboots in which soldiers will march across Red Square.

The same factory makes the jackboots in which soldiers will march across Red Square.
© RIA Novosti . Vladimir Fedorenko / Go to the mediabankIt is a little-known fact that wooden nails are used to make the boots.

It is a little-known fact that wooden nails are used to make the boots.