Russian President Dmitry Medvedev will visit the United States at the end of June, a presidential aide said on Friday.
"[U.S. President Barack] Obama has invited Dmitry Medvedev to visit the United States at the end of June. We are working with our colleagues on the precise schedule of the visit," Sergei Prikhodko said.
He added that the upcoming visit would have a very busy agenda covering all areas of cooperation between the two countries.
Russia and the United States have been following the route of "resetting" their relations and ridding them of Cold War-era holdbacks since Medvedev and his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama announced the new policy of bilateral ties last year.
"We shouldn't look for differences, we should create long-term pragmatic relations based on common democratic and economic values of freedom, and common goals in the fight against global threats," the Russian president said during his short visit to the United States in April.
Medvedev also called for increased Russian-U.S. economic cooperation, stressing that Russia needs to learn from the experience of the United States in modernizing its economy.
Economic relations between Russia and the U.S. are still hampered by the 1974 Jackson-Vanik amendment, which restricted U.S. trade with countries with non-market economies that imposed emigration restrictions on their citizens.
MOSCOW, May 7 (RIA Novosti)