The North Caucasus is a strategic region of Russia with potential to bring prosperity to the country, the Presidential Envoy to the region said on Saturday.
"The Caucasus is not an atomic bomb or a tinder box. It is a strategic region of Russia," Alexander Khloponin said at a meeting with journalists in Moscow.
Khloponin described the Caucasus as a "unique bridge to the Middle East" and an area with huge intellectual potential.
He said the region was the only area of Russia where the population was growing and so could provide a solution to Russia's demographic problems.
He also noted the regions strategic location.
"The Caucasus is a strong buffer that prevents Russia from infiltration by filth and dirt: terrorism, extremism and pseudo-Islam."
He said development in the region would stem from "killing the scum still hiding in the forests," but also "teaching the region's new generation how to work and not carry arms."
GORKI, May 15 (RIA Novosti)