About 3,000 guests are expected at the Russia Is A Sports Power international sports forum in Moscow from July 29 to August 1, said Moscow Deputy Mayor Sergei Baidakov, who is responsible for interregional relations, sports and tourism.
“The international sports forum will take place in Moscow from July 29 to August 1. We expect 3,000 people to attend,” Baidakov said at a Moscow government meeting on Wednesday.
The deputy mayor reported that the selection process was currently underway for the Moscow delegation, which would include about 500 students from Moscow universities.
“Preparations for the forum began back in October 2009, and we have resolved all issues since then,” he said.
Baidakov added that the forum would mostly be held in the Luzhniki center, and would serve as a unique venue for visitors to share their experiences.
The organising committee for the forum is chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov. The deputy chairman is Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov.
Baidakov said there would be a sports film festival at the forum, as well as workshops and roundtable discussions on organising physical fitness events, physical fitness for people with disabilities, the construction of sports facilities and different ownerships structures for these facilities.
“The federal government takes responsibility for preparing and holding other roundtables,” Baidakov said.
The forum will also host the Russian President's Sambo Cup, the European junior rowing and canoeing championships, an awards ceremony, a reception by the mayor at Gostinny Dvor and celebrations of the 30-year anniversary of the 1980 Olympics in Moscow.
“Guests of honour will include medallists from the 1980 Olympics,” the deputy mayor said.
Part of the celebrations of the Olympic anniversary will be a sports show at Luzhniki, entitled “Russia: Moscow 1980 to Sochi 2014,” and a sports festival that is expected to attract 55,000 spectators.
Finally, deputy mayor Baidakov added that medical care and transport services would also be offered to forum participants. “They will be met at airports and train stations and provided accommodation and catering,” he added.
MOSCOW, May 26 (RIA Novosti)