Russian President Dmitry Medvedev hopes that Europe will manage to stabilize its currency, otherwise, it may lead to a financial crisis, more severe than the recession in 2008.
"It is very important that our European partners could stabilize a situation," Medvedev said. "That stabilization package adopted in quite difficult consultations, I hope, will work and a general situation in European zone will be absolutely stable," he said.
"This is important for the European zone and for its partners, such as Russia, and for the world financial system because if one pulls out leg in a form of euro from the global financial system, I am afraid consequences will be worse than the crisis in 2008," he continued.
Euro has reached a minimal for the last four years rate to dollar. Experts forecast that euro may fall to dollar due to fears that a debt crisis in Europe may lead to a slower economic growth in the region.
"We really have very serious trade relations with the EU, some other states, many of our people keep their savings in euro," Medvedev said. "We are not indifferent to the European invention's destiny. I think, that this [euro] is a good invention, despite the crisis that happened," he continued adding that it was not a euro which sparked the crisis but there is no reason for blame storming now.
"The system of world's reserve currencies is imperfect, it should develop," Medvedev said. "In my point of view, new reserve currencies should appear, but strong and stable."
MESEBERG, June 5 (RIA Novosti)