A motorized brigade of the Siberian Military District held live-fire exercises during the Vostok-2010 strategic war games. The objectives of the games are to suppress an insurgency on unfamiliar terrain and to restore constitutional order.
© RIA Novosti . Alexandr Kryazhev / Go to the mediabankA motorized brigade of the Siberian Military District held live-fire exercises during the Vostok-2010 strategic war games. The objectives of the games are to suppress an insurgency on unfamiliar terrain and to restore constitutional order.

A motorized brigade of the Siberian Military District held live-fire exercises during the Vostok-2010 strategic war games. The objectives of the games are to suppress an insurgency on unfamiliar terrain and to restore constitutional order.
© Sputnik / Alexandr Kryazhev / Go to the mediabankThe brigade’s units move in on their target with other security forces…

The brigade’s units move in on their target with other security forces…

…and reach their destination on time.
© RIA Novosti . Alexandr Kryazhev / Go to the mediabankIn accordance with their mission, the units survey the areas in order to detect and take out any insurgents.

In accordance with their mission, the units survey the areas in order to detect and take out any insurgents.
© RIA Novosti . Alexandr Kryazhev / Go to the mediabankThe war games involve 1,500 troops and officers and about 200 military vehicles.

The war games involve 1,500 troops and officers and about 200 military vehicles.
© RIA Novosti . Alexandr Kryazhev / Go to the mediabankThe operation against insurgents was carried out by a group of motorized companies that closed in on their target from various directions.

The operation against insurgents was carried out by a group of motorized companies that closed in on their target from various directions.

The motorized units had air support.
© RIA Novosti . Alexandr Kryazhev / Go to the mediabankParatroopers were flown in by helicopter and mine fields and ambush points were set up along the insurgents’ retreat routes.

Paratroopers were flown in by helicopter and mine fields and ambush points were set up along the insurgents’ retreat routes.
© RIA Novosti . Alexandr Kryazhev / Go to the mediabankThe Siberian and Far Eastern military districts commenced the Vostok-2010 large-scale strategic war games on June 29. The games are the key military training event in Russia this year.

The Siberian and Far Eastern military districts commenced the Vostok-2010 large-scale strategic war games on June 29. The games are the key military training event in Russia this year.

The war games will end on July 8.
© RIA Novosti . Alexandr Kryazhev / Go to the mediabankThe Vostok-2010 war games include several command-post and tactical exercises with live fire and troops regrouping over large distances in various tactical situations. Army units are used to help contain and suppress insurgencies and help the Interior Ministry restore constitutional order.

The Vostok-2010 war games include several command-post and tactical exercises with live fire and troops regrouping over large distances in various tactical situations. Army units are used to help contain and suppress insurgencies and help the Interior Ministry restore constitutional order.
© RIA Novosti . Alexandr Kryazhev / Go to the mediabankThe tactical exercise with live fire held by the 74th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Siberian Military District at the Yurga Range during the Vostok-2010 strategic war games.

The tactical exercise with live fire held by the 74th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Siberian Military District at the Yurga Range during the Vostok-2010 strategic war games.
© RIA Novosti . Alexandr Kryazhev / Go to the mediabankThe tactical exercise with live fire held by the 74th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Siberian Military District at the Yurga Range during the Vostok-2010 strategic war games.

The tactical exercise with live fire held by the 74th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Siberian Military District at the Yurga Range during the Vostok-2010 strategic war games.
© RIA Novosti . Alexandr Kryazhev / Go to the mediabankThe tactical exercise with live fire held by the 74th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Siberian Military District at the Yurga Range during the Vostok-2010 strategic war games.

The tactical exercise with live fire held by the 74th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Siberian Military District at the Yurga Range during the Vostok-2010 strategic war games.