Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych confirmed on Friday that his country would stay out of any military blocs, his press service said.
"Ukraine has been pursuing the policy of nonalignment, intended to avoid more dividing lines in Europe," the president said during his meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
However, he said, Kiev was ready to develop partnership with NATO, primarily concerning Ukraine's military reform and joint participation in peacekeeping and anti-terrorist events.
Clinton said Washington supported the country's European integration and cooperation with NATO.
"NATO's door remains open but it is up to Ukraine to decide whether or not you wish to pursue that or any other course for your own security interests," Clinton said.
"Ukraine is a sovereign and independent country that has the right to choose your own alliances," she went on.
Yanukovych, who entered office early this year, has made it clear he intends to drop his predecessor Viktor Yushchenko's plans to seek NATO membership. According to opinion polls, over 50% of Ukrainians are against NATO membership, and 30% are in favor of joining.
The Ukrainian president also thanked Hillary Clinton for her country's constructive stance towards improved relations between Kiev and Moscow.
"We appreciate the constructive stance of the United States on the issue of Russian-Ukrainian relations. It is very important for us," Yanukovych said.
KIEV, July 2 (RIA Novosti)