The recently adopted Ukrainian law on local elections strongly limits the constitutional rights of citizens, that is why it will be challenged in court, head of the Front for Change opposition party Arseniy Yatsenyuk said on Sunday.
The new law on local elections stipulates that only parties, which have been officially registered for more than 365 days before elections have the right to take part in the procedure. Moreover, the new law prohibits independent candidates from participating in the local elections. Only local party cells will set up candidates.
"The adopted on July 10 law... substantively narrows down the constitutional rights of the citizens, puts a range of political forces off the elections and turns democratic expression of will into nonentity," a statement published at the Yatsenuk's official website said.
The politician said he would appeal to the Ukrainian Constitutional Court in relation with the law on local elections and called on democratic forces to back his initiative.
"Together we will be able to halt the tendency of seizure of power by single political force," Yatsenuk said.
Ukraine's Committee of Voters has already slammed the new law.
In early March, Yatsenyuk, declined President Viktor Yanukovych's proposal to hold a high post in the new cabinet and disapproved of an amendment adopted which enables independent MPs to take part in forming a majority coalition, so far a privilege of parliamentary factions.
KIEV, July 11 (RIA Novosti)