MOSCOW, July 12 (RIA Novosti) - Iranian Petroleum Minister Masoud Mir Kazemi and Russian Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko are expected to meet on July 14 to discuss a road map on cooperation in the energy sector, the Russian Energy Ministry said on Monday.
Iranian SHANA news agency on Monday cited Iranian Oil Ministry Official Hussein Ismaili as saying that the road map would create a cooperation program between the two countries for the next 30 years. The official also suggested that investors from Iran may be able to invest in the Russian oil and gas industry.
"The most important issue in the preparation of the road map is collaboration between Iran and Russia in developing oil fields in both countries, as well as oil and gas fields located in any third country," Ismaili said.
He added that collaboration between Iran and Russia would continue and any other cooperation in the oil and gas sector would be included in the framework of the road map.
The UN Security Council approved in June a new package of economic sanctions on Iran over its controversial nuclear program.
Last month Russian senior lawmaker Konstantin Kosachev said new sanctions on Iran would not affect Russia's energy or military cooperation with the Islamic Republic.