The principal of a prestigious school in southwest Moscow has been dismissed over the discovery of gay pornography materials in his office, an education department spokesman said.
The videos, magazines and sex toys, stored in the principle's private "relaxation room", were uncovered by firefighters who were combating a small blaze caused by a heater on Saturday. Photos of the materials appeared the next day in the Internet.
Yury Zavalsky, 59, said the materials were planted on him during the firefighting operation. He said a police officer tried to blackmail him.
He also earlier said the items might belong to his nephew, reported.
The Russian president's ombudsman for children's rights, Pavel Astakhov, said Zavalsky had to be dismissed.
"Such materials are inadmissible at school," Astakhov said.
Lyceum 1561, also known as School X, is a prestigious educational institution that prioritizes creativity and scientific specialization among its students.
MOSCOW, September 14 (RIA Novosti)