Russian Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Storchak, accused of large-scale fraud, has finished familiarizing himself with the materials of the criminal case against him and will draft a petition, his lawyer said.
"Today we signed a protocol stating that we have familiarized ourselves with the criminal case materials. The investigator gave us until October 18 to draft a petition," Andrei Romashov said.
Storchak, who oversaw foreign debt talks at the ministry and was a key figure in Russia's talks with the Paris Club, was detained in November 2007 amid accusations that he attempted to embezzle $43 million from the state.
He was released in October 2008 on a pledge not to leave the country, but charged with attempted fraud in April 2009.
Romashov said the defense would insist on closing the criminal case as the materials contain no proof of Storchak's guilt and no evidence of any crime committed.
Storchak has maintained his innocence throughout the investigation. If convicted, he faces between 5 and 10 years in prison.
Some analysts see the case against Storchak as a sign of a power struggle within the Kremlin between free-market liberals like Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin and conservative elements favoring a greater state role in the economy.
MOSCOW, October 8 (RIA Novosti)