Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin believes Russia has a good chance to become the host of the 2018 FIFA World Football Cup.
"I think that chances for Russia to receive the right to host the [2018] World Football Championship are very big," Putin said adding that Russia has never hosted such competitions.
Of course the decision will be made by FIFA, the Russian premier said.
Putin does not know whether he will travel to Zurich, where the championship's 2018 host is due to be chosen.
England, Portugal and Spain (jointly), Belgium and the Netherlands (jointly), the United States, Australia, Japan, Qatar, and South Korea, along with Russia, registered their intention to bid for the right to host the Cup.
In mid-August, FIFA inspectors visited Russia to see for themselves the country bidding for the 2018 World Cup. They attended the bidding committee's presentations and toured four cities to inspect the stadiums that could host the World Cup.
"The plan we showed to the FIFA commission has received very substantial support here and will be implemented no matter if we win the bid or not," Alexei Smertin, a former captain for the Russian national football team, member of the Altai Territory legislature and the sports director of Russia's bidding committee, said in September.
FIFA officials have already visited Japan, South Korea, Australia, Belgium and the Netherlands. After visiting Russia, the delegation flew to England.
FIFA will choose the hosts for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups on December 2. The 2018 tournament is expected to be given to a European bidder, meaning the 2022 event will be held on a different continent.
SOCHI, October 14 (RIA Novosti)