A recent incident when a man shot a Russia Today TV channel female journalist in the foot with a non-lethal handgun shows that such arms should be prohibited, Russian Federation Council's First Deputy Speaker Alexander Torshin said.
Natalya Arkhiptseva was shot in Moscow's Prado Cafe with a rubber bullet on October 9 by Sergei Virolaynen, 35, a chief executive of a St. Petersburg company. She said he opened fire after she objected to being sworn at by him and his friends as she walked passed their table.
Torshin pledged to provide "parliamentary control" over the investigation. The incident shows that "non-lethal weapons should be prohibited," he emphasized.
After being detained and taken to a police station, Virolaynen confessed to the crime. He has been released on a pledge not to leave the city. The man has been charged with hooliganism which carries a maximum sentence of five years behind bars.
Russia Today's legal department will help the injured Arkhiptseva who is currently in the hospital to file a lawsuit against Prado Cafe's personnel, who were reluctant to help her.
Representatives of Virolaynen's company refused to comment on the incident, saying that their CEO was "on holiday."
MOSCOW, October 18 (RIA Novosti)