The test launch of the first line of the subway with construction continuing for over 20 years ago, took place in Almaty on October 22.
© RIA Novosti . Pavel Mikheev / Go to the mediabankThe test launch of the first line of the subway with construction continuing for over 20 years ago, took place in Almaty on October 22.

The test launch of the first line of the subway with construction continuing for over 20 years ago, took place in Almaty on October 22.
© RIA Novosti . Pavel Mikheev / Go to the mediabankThe reporters were shown a comfortable electric train produced by the South Korean company Hyundai.

The reporters were shown a comfortable electric train produced by the South Korean company Hyundai.
© RIA Novosti . Pavel Mikheev / Go to the mediabankThe cabin of the train is fitted with modern equipment.

The cabin of the train is fitted with modern equipment.
© RIA Novosti . Pavel Mikheev / Go to the mediabankThe first passengers of the train’s test launch became officials, reporters and subway employees.

The first passengers of the train’s test launch became officials, reporters and subway employees.
© RIA Novosti . Pavel Mikheev / Go to the mediabankFinishing works have been completed only at four stations.

Finishing works have been completed only at four stations.