Russian President Dmitry Medvedev will rename his popular account on the Twitter micro-blogging site in a bid to make it more informal, Medvedev's press secretary Natalia Timakova said on Thursday.
The technologically savvy leader will change the name of his "informal" account from KremlinRussia to MedvedevRussia and open a new account under "KremlinRussia" to host official information.
"The existing account will be renamed and all [the president's] friends will remain," Timakova said. "Users have got used to the informal atmosphere [of the existing account]."
The press secretary said the new account could be created as early as next week.
"In view of the fact that the resource has turned out to be very efficient in terms of feedback and in quickly conveying the reaction of Twitter users to the president's various initiatives...he [Medvedev] has decided to divide it into two accounts," Timakova said.
Medvedev registered on Twitter in June during a visit to the United States. Over 120,800 people are currently following KremlinRussia on Twitter.
BAKU, November 18 (RIA Novosti)