Russian President Dmitry Medvedev wished on his Twitter account "happy birthday" to the Tver region's governor who reported a worm in his salad served during a reception in the Kremlin would be held accountable if the report proves to be false.
The president remembered the governor the "worm story," wishing "to have a bite of a worm." This is a literal translation of the Russian proverb meaning to "take the edge off appetite."
Dmitry Zelenin posted a message on his Twitter account on Wednesday saying: "Such happens even in the Alexandrovsky Hall [in the Great Kremlin Palace]. Together with beef, a salad with live earthworms is served." The message was supported by a photo, but both were later deleted from the website.
According to Zelenin, the incident happened during a reception dedicated to the official visit by German President Christian Wulff to Moscow which started on October 11.
MOSCOW, November 27 (RIA Novosti)