‘King of Spam’ Oleg Nikolaenko, who allegedly masterminded Mega-D botnet, is to face federal trial in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on Friday, the Associated Press has reported.
Mega-D is known to have infected over 500,000 computers that sent out 10 billion spam e-mails every day. The 23-year-old Russian national is also accused of sending up to 2,500 spam e-mails every day and deliberately falsifying the header information.
Nikolaenko was arrested in November in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mega-D was shut down by the anti-malware appliance firm FireEye.
Spam Court
© RIA Novosti . Sergei YelkinSpam Court

© RIA Novosti . Sergei Yelkin
‘King of Spam’ Oleg Nikolaenko, who allegedly masterminded Mega-D botnet, is to face federal trial in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on Friday, the Associated Press has reported.