One of the lawyers for the relatives of the victims of April crash of a Polish presidential plane in western Russia on Monday called on the Warsaw Military Prosecutor's Office to question country's Prime Minister Donald Tusk as soon as possible, the Polish TVN24 TV channel reported.
In mid-December Tusk announced that Poland could not accept Russia's report on the causes of the plane crash. "The Interstate Aviation Committee draft report, of course, can not be accepted in the form in which it was provided by the Russian side," Tusk said, adding that Poland had a number of problems with the document.
"In relation with the shift in Prime Minister Donald Tuck's opinion and his announcement that the IAC draft report could not be accepted in Poland, I believe he must be questioned as soon as possible," lawyer Stefan Hambura said.
"The premier is now - after preparing Polish comments to the IAC report - obtaining far-reaching information on the causes of the crash. I believe he should be questioned as soon as possible," the Hambura said.
"The Polish comments to the report amount to over 150 pages, which clearly shows a change of stance on the work of the Russian investigators," the lawyer added.
He emphasized that possible dismissal of his request would break the rights of the relatives of the victims of the crash.
The worn-out Tu-154 crashed near the western Russian city of Smolensk April 10 while carrying then president Lech Kaczynski and other senior Polish officials to a commemoration ceremony of the 1940 Katyn massacre.
Russian and Polish investigators and experts have been jointly investigating the causes of the crash. Polish military prosecutors conduct a separate probe.
WARSAW, January 3 (RIA Novosti)