Russia's Admiral Makarov icebreaker is conducting the rescue operation over the Magadan icebreaker caught in ice in the Sakhalin Bay in Russia's Far East, a spokeswoman for the Far East Shipping Company said on Wednesday.
"Admiral Makarov icebreaker that approached troubled Magadan icebreaker at 4 pm local time (06:00 GMT) will start freeing the vessel to let it move," Tatiana Kulikova said.
Five Russian ships have become icebound in the Sea of Okhotsk since Friday, including the Sodruzhestvo fishery mother ship, the refrigerator freighter Bereg Nadezhdy, and a scientific research ship, the Professor Kizevetter.
Two other ships, Cape Elizabeth and Anton Gurin refrigerator freighter have already been freed.
On Monday Magadan icebreaker was dispatched to rescue the stranded vessels, but failed to complete the mission since it did not have enough power to free the ships alone.
After Admiral Makarov frees Magadan icebreaker it will head for stranded Professor Kizevetter scientific research ship, Kulikova said.
VLADIVOSTOK, January 5 (RIA Novosti)