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Court orders arrest of suspects after bomb blast at Moscow shooting club

© RIA NovostiVitaly Razdobudko
Vitaly Razdobudko - Sputnik International
Moscow's Basmanny Court has sanctioned the arrest of suspects over a bomb blast at a target shooting club in Moscow in late December, the court's press secretary, Yekaterina Korotova, said on Monday.

Moscow's Basmanny Court has sanctioned the arrest of suspects over a bomb blast at a target shooting club in Moscow in late December, the court's press secretary, Yekaterina Korotova, said on Monday.

On January 29, police detained five suspects following the bomb blast which killed a woman, believed to be a suicide bomber. The detained suspects have already confessed to the crime, another five suspects remain free.

One of them, Vitaly Razdobudko, was initially a key suspect in the deadly bomb attack on a major airport of Moscow on January 24, which killed 35 people. Police said later Razdobudko had nothing to do with the airport blast. His partner Maria Khorosheva is also on the wanted list.

Vladimir Markin of the Russian investigation committee said earlier that the bomb attack on the shooting club and the explosion at Domodedovo International Airport had been masterminded and perpetrated by two separate armed groups operating in different republics of the volatile North Caucasus and were unrelated to each other.

By law, investigators will have to produce evidence against the detainees within ten days from the date of their arrest.

MOSCOW, January 31(RIA Novosti) 


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