Italian, Czech and Slovakian consumers sent requests to Russian energy giant Gazprom in 2010 asking it to lower its gas prices, the company said.
European leaders have voiced concerns over the EU's dependence on Russia's state-owned natural gas monopoly, which supplies the region with a quarter of its gas.
"In 2010 [Italian companies] EGL, Sinergie Italiane and ERG exercised their contractual right for an extraordinary revision of prices and turned to Gazprom Export to demand the revision of contracted prices for the supply of gas to Italy," Gazprom said in its fourth quarter 2010 report.
The company said it had entered negotiations on a possible revision of prices to remain in the European market.
Gazprom's supplies to Italy dropped by 31% to 13,054 billion cubic meters in 2010. In the fourth quarter they increased 12% to 5,92 billion cubic meters.
The report said that Czech RWE Transgas and Slovak SPP also requested that Gazprom reduce its supply prices.
MOSCOW, February 14 (RIA Novosti)