Members of the opposition to Muammar Gaddafi’s regime have seized power in many cities across western Libya and are now preparing to "liberate" Tripoli. These cities will be run by the National Libyan Council, formed to act as "the political face of the revolution" in Benghazi on February 27.
© RIA Novosti . Andrei Stenin / Go to the mediabankMembers of the opposition to Muammar Gaddafi’s regime have seized power in many cities across western Libya and are now preparing to "liberate" Tripoli. These cities will be run by the National Libyan Council, formed to act as "the political face of the revolution" in Benghazi on February 27.
Members of the opposition to Muammar Gaddafi’s regime have seized power in many cities across western Libya and are now preparing to "liberate" Tripoli. These cities will be run by the National Libyan Council, formed to act as "the political face of the revolution" in Benghazi on February 27.
© RIA Novosti . Andrei Stenin / Go to the mediabankBenghazi used to be home to a military base. It was destroyed by artillery shelling.
Benghazi used to be home to a military base. It was destroyed by artillery shelling.
© RIA Novosti . Andrei Stenin / Go to the mediabankLocals search for any remaining weapons in the base’s arsenal.
Locals search for any remaining weapons in the base’s arsenal.
© RIA Novosti . Andrei Stenin / Go to the mediabankMembers of the opposition are learning to use the anti-aircraft cannons left by the Libyan soldiers.
Members of the opposition are learning to use the anti-aircraft cannons left by the Libyan soldiers.
© RIA Novosti . Andrei Stenin / Go to the mediabankBenghazi residents are clearing the streets of tanks abandoned by soldiers.
Benghazi residents are clearing the streets of tanks abandoned by soldiers.
© RIA Novosti . Andrei Stenin / Go to the mediabankPortraits of Muammar Gaddafi are being turned into caricatures.
Portraits of Muammar Gaddafi are being turned into caricatures.
© RIA Novosti . Andrei Stenin / Go to the mediabankThis mannequin depicts Ayesha Gaddafi, Muammar Gaddafi’s daughter.
This mannequin depicts Ayesha Gaddafi, Muammar Gaddafi’s daughter.
© RIA Novosti . Andrei Stenin / Go to the mediabankMembers of the opposition do not shirk the limelight. They believe Gaddafi’s regime is finally over. Crowds on the streets of Benghazi are chanting: "This is our revolution".
Members of the opposition do not shirk the limelight. They believe Gaddafi’s regime is finally over. Crowds on the streets of Benghazi are chanting: "This is our revolution".
© RIA Novosti . Andrei Stenin / Go to the mediabankHospitals across Libya, which has been in the grips of the popular uprising for over two weeks now, lack both drugs and doctors who can operate on the wounded. International humanitarian organizations have reported that 256 people have been killed in encounters with the security forces in Benghazi alone, where the Libyan revolution started on February 15. Some 2,000 people have been hospitalized with various injuries. Doctors lack even the most basic drugs and bandages.
Hospitals across Libya, which has been in the grips of the popular uprising for over two weeks now, lack both drugs and doctors who can operate on the wounded. International humanitarian organizations have reported that 256 people have been killed in encounters with the security forces in Benghazi alone, where the Libyan revolution started on February 15. Some 2,000 people have been hospitalized with various injuries. Doctors lack even the most basic drugs and bandages.
© RIA Novosti . Andrei Stenin / Go to the mediabankSoldiers who went over to the side of the opposition are helping the enemies of the Gaddafi regime secure the oil terminals in Brega. Oil production facilities in the city are working at 25% of their total capacity.
Soldiers who went over to the side of the opposition are helping the enemies of the Gaddafi regime secure the oil terminals in Brega. Oil production facilities in the city are working at 25% of their total capacity.