Russians have continually been losing interest in politics over the last six years, though about 60% of Russians regularly discuss political issues at home, according to a poll held by the All-Russia Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM).
The number of Russians interested in the country's political life has fallen from 48% in 2005 to 39% in 2011, sociologists said. Research showed that Russians younger than 45, poorly educated people, those who refrain from voting, as well villagers are indifferent to political life.
More than one-third of the respondents (37%), especially young people (under 45 years of age), said they totally ignore political life in the country.
The poll showed that residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg are almost split in their indifference and interest in political life. Approximately half (45%) of the polled residents of Russia's two largest cities said they were interested in politics, whereas 42% said they had no interest at all in political affairs.
The survey revealed that Russians at preretirement age, retired Russians, as well as those with a higher education and backers of opposition parties show a much higher interest in politics than others polled.
The kitchen remains the traditional place for private political discussions in Russia. According to the poll, people over 45 years of age, Russians with a higher education, and those living in cities most frequently talk about politics in their kitchens.
The survey was held on March 12-13 in 138 Russian residential areas in 46 regions, with a participation of 1,600 people. Marginal error is no more than 3.4%.
MOSCOW, April 5 (RIA Novosti)