Chechen Language Day, one of the newest holidays in Chechnya, was celebrated in the republic on April 25. Many Chechens, including the Chechen president and other government officials, marked the holiday by wearing traditional Chechen dress.
© RIA Novosti . Said Tsarnaev / Go to the mediabankChechen Language Day, one of the newest holidays in Chechnya, was celebrated in the republic on April 25. Many Chechens, including the Chechen president and other government officials, marked the holiday by wearing traditional Chechen dress.

Chechen Language Day, one of the newest holidays in Chechnya, was celebrated in the republic on April 25. Many Chechens, including the Chechen president and other government officials, marked the holiday by wearing traditional Chechen dress.
© RIA Novosti . Said Tsarnaev / Go to the mediabankA special gala event was held at the State Theater and Concert Hall in Grozny. Kadyrov arrived at the theater in a horse cart, wearing a traditional Circassian coat with a hat and dagger. He was accompanied by State Duma Deputy Adam Delimkhanov.

A special gala event was held at the State Theater and Concert Hall in Grozny. Kadyrov arrived at the theater in a horse cart, wearing a traditional Circassian coat with a hat and dagger. He was accompanied by State Duma Deputy Adam Delimkhanov.
© RIA Novosti . Said Tsarnaev / Go to the mediabankThis newly established tradition of wearing Chechen folk dress on holidays will continue in Chechnya.

This newly established tradition of wearing Chechen folk dress on holidays will continue in Chechnya.
© RIA Novosti . Said Tsarnaev / Go to the mediabankIn his opening remarks at the event, Kadyrov called the Chechen language the foundation of the Chechen people’s national identity.

In his opening remarks at the event, Kadyrov called the Chechen language the foundation of the Chechen people’s national identity.
© RIA Novosti . Said Tsarnaev / Go to the mediabankHe also emphasized the role of the family in instilling love of the native language in children, adding that “the state should not remain on the sidelines” in this effort.

He also emphasized the role of the family in instilling love of the native language in children, adding that “the state should not remain on the sidelines” in this effort.
© RIA Novosti . Said Tsarnaev / Go to the mediabankProminent public figures, academics, and teachers who have made a significant contribution to the advancement of the Chechen language received awards during the evening. Some were awarded cash prizes, apartments, and cars.

Prominent public figures, academics, and teachers who have made a significant contribution to the advancement of the Chechen language received awards during the evening. Some were awarded cash prizes, apartments, and cars.
© RIA Novosti . Said Tsarnaev / Go to the mediabankChechen Language Day was established in 2007 by decree of the Chechen president to promote the Chechen language. The date, April 25, was chosen to coincide with the anniversary of the publication of the first Chechen-language newspaper, Serlo (Light), in 1923. This is the first year that the holiday was widely celebrated in the republic.

Chechen Language Day was established in 2007 by decree of the Chechen president to promote the Chechen language. The date, April 25, was chosen to coincide with the anniversary of the publication of the first Chechen-language newspaper, Serlo (Light), in 1923. This is the first year that the holiday was widely celebrated in the republic.