The annual classic car rally, L.U.C Chopard Classic Weekend, took place on Sunday in Moscow.
© RIA Novosti . Ilya Pitalev / Go to the mediabankThe annual classic car rally, L.U.C Chopard Classic Weekend, took place on Sunday in Moscow.

The annual classic car rally, L.U.C Chopard Classic Weekend, took place on Sunday in Moscow.
© RIA Novosti . Ilya Pitalev / Go to the mediabankOnly vehicles made before 1970, those that are of historic interest, or those that were involved in a particular historical event or have an otherwise unique history are eligible to take part in the rally.

Only vehicles made before 1970, those that are of historic interest, or those that were involved in a particular historical event or have an otherwise unique history are eligible to take part in the rally.

This is the ninth competition.
© RIA Novosti . Ilya Pitalev / Go to the mediabankAccording to tradition, before the start of the rally, each team is given a road book with the competition route written using a special code.

According to tradition, before the start of the rally, each team is given a road book with the competition route written using a special code.
© RIA Novosti . Ilya Pitalev / Go to the mediabankUnlike the classic Mille Miglia rally, with checkpoints that haven’t changed since the early 1980s, the L.U.C Chopard Classic Weekend Rally route changes each year and is encrypted.

Unlike the classic Mille Miglia rally, with checkpoints that haven’t changed since the early 1980s, the L.U.C Chopard Classic Weekend Rally route changes each year and is encrypted.
© RIA Novosti . Ilya Pitalev / Go to the mediabankOnly the starting and ending points are known prior to the event. The event starts from Tretyakovsky Proyezd, and its finishing line is in the “luxury village” of Barvikha.

Only the starting and ending points are known prior to the event. The event starts from Tretyakovsky Proyezd, and its finishing line is in the “luxury village” of Barvikha.
© RIA Novosti . Ilya Pitalev / Go to the mediabankA vintage car before the start of the L.U.C Chopard Classic Weekend Rally.

A vintage car before the start of the L.U.C Chopard Classic Weekend Rally.
© RIA Novosti . Ilya Pitalev / Go to the mediabankVintage cars before the start of the L.U.C Chopard Classic Weekend Rally.

Vintage cars before the start of the L.U.C Chopard Classic Weekend Rally.
© RIA Novosti . Ilya Pitalev / Go to the mediabankA 70’s convertible before the start of the L.U.C Chopard Classic Weekend Rally.

A 70’s convertible before the start of the L.U.C Chopard Classic Weekend Rally.
© RIA Novosti . Ilya Pitalev / Go to the mediabankVintage cars before the start of the L.U.C Chopard Classic Weekend Rally.

Vintage cars before the start of the L.U.C Chopard Classic Weekend Rally.
© RIA Novosti . Ilya Pitalev / Go to the mediabankVintage cars before the start of the L.U.C Chopard Classic Weekend Rally.

Vintage cars before the start of the L.U.C Chopard Classic Weekend Rally.
© RIA Novosti . Ilya Pitalev / Go to the mediabankVintage cars before the start of the L.U.C Chopard Classic Weekend Rally.

Vintage cars before the start of the L.U.C Chopard Classic Weekend Rally.