Turkey on Monday recalled its ambassador from Tripoli, thus breaking its relations with the current government of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and has recognized the rebel government in Benghazi as the only legitimate one in the country.
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu was in Libya on Sunday and announced the official closure of its embassy in Tripoli. The ambassador, Salim Levent Sahinkaya, left the Libyan capital when NATO airstrikes began in March, but officially remained in the post until Monday.
"Gaddafi should leave power and a genuine political change based on the demands and aspirations of the Libyan people should be realized," Xinhua quoted Davutoglu as saying during the visit. "The unity of Libya must be protected."
Davutoglu on Sunday also pledged another $200 million in aid to the rebel government, in addition to $100 million already allocated.