The territory of the Russian capital may be enlarged by 720 hectares (1,779 acres) under an agreement on changes to the borders between the Moscow Region and the capital itself, Moscow Deputy Mayor Nataliya Sergunina said on Tuesday.
"It is suggested, taking into account existing land use, to incorporate over 723.4 hectares into Moscow," Sergunina said.
Moscow City Duma is expected to consider the agreement between Moscow and the Moscow Region on territorial changes at an extraordinary meeting on Wednesday. Moscow Region's Duma is expected to consider the draft agreement on Thursday and then the document will be forwarded to the Federation Council.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev suggested earlier this year to expand Moscow and Moscow Region's territories to create a capital federal district and to transfer a significant part of government bodies beyond the existing boundaries of the city.
Over a half of Muscovites support the idea of creating a new federal district and moving government agencies outside Moscow proper, a survey by the All-Russia Public Opinion Center said.