Police in the Belarusian capital of Minsk briefly detained on Wednesday a film crew from the Russia's NTV television station, the crew's producer Pavel Antonov told RIA Novosti over the phone.
"We were detained near the Ice Palace [in downtown Minsk]," Antonov said.
The journalist called 10 minutes later to say that the crew had been released.
The NTV crew had arrived at the scene to film a protest rally against policies of President Alexander Lukashenko.
A new wave of protests in Minsk and other cities on Sunday saw police use tear gas to break up a protest in the Belarusian capital in which demonstrators clapped over an Independence Day speech by Lukashenko, repeating recent midweek protests organized on social networking websites.
Belarus has seen unprecedented economic and political turmoil in recent months, as increasingly frequent protests against the 17-year reign of the authoritarian Lukashenko have combined with a 36% devaluation of the national currency.