A mourning ceremony was held at the river port in Kazan Tuesday for those who drowned when the Bulgaria riverboat sank on Sunday.
© RIA Novosti . Grigory Sysoev / Go to the mediabankA mourning ceremony was held at the river port in Kazan Tuesday for those who drowned when the Bulgaria riverboat sank on Sunday.

A mourning ceremony was held at the river port in Kazan Tuesday for those who drowned when the Bulgaria riverboat sank on Sunday.
© RIA Novosti . Vladimir Pesnia / Go to the mediabankState flags flew at half mast on Tuesday, the official day of mourning for the Bulgaria riverboat victims.

State flags flew at half mast on Tuesday, the official day of mourning for the Bulgaria riverboat victims.
© RIA Novosti . Grigory Sysoev / Go to the mediabankOver 3,000 people laid flowers and toys and lit candles at the Kazan port.

Over 3,000 people laid flowers and toys and lit candles at the Kazan port.
© RIA Novosti . Grigory Sysoev / Go to the mediabankThe victims were honored with a minute of silence while ships blew their horns.

The victims were honored with a minute of silence while ships blew their horns.
© RIA Novosti . Grigory Sysoev / Go to the mediabankThe commemoration ceremonies in Kazan lasted throughout the day.

The commemoration ceremonies in Kazan lasted throughout the day.
© RIA Novosti . Grigory Sysoev / Go to the mediabankThe victims’ relatives visited the shipwreck site.

The victims’ relatives visited the shipwreck site.
© RIA Novosti . Grigory Sysoev / Go to the mediabankMany of the victims’ relatives were taken to the site of the Bulgaria riverboat tragedy.

Many of the victims’ relatives were taken to the site of the Bulgaria riverboat tragedy.
© RIA Novosti . Grigory Sysoev / Go to the mediabankPeople lowered wreaths onto the water and then a riverboat circled the site of the tragedy.

People lowered wreaths onto the water and then a riverboat circled the site of the tragedy.
© RIA Novosti / Go to the mediabankTransport Minister Igor Levitin, third left, and Head of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, third right, attended the memorial service in the St. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Kazan and at the city’s oldest mosque, Al Marjani.

Transport Minister Igor Levitin, third left, and Head of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, third right, attended the memorial service in the St. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Kazan and at the city’s oldest mosque, Al Marjani.
© RIA Novosti . Michail Klementiev / Go to the mediabankRussian President Dmitry Medvedev lit a candle in memory of the deceased in the chapel at his Gorki residence near Moscow.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev lit a candle in memory of the deceased in the chapel at his Gorki residence near Moscow.