Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who has a personal page on Twitter and Facebook, told a group of university students he is willing to hold a master class on Twitter in South Ossetia and plans to register on Russia’s largest social networking site Vkontakte.
Medvedev met with students from the Journalism Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University on Thursday. "As soon as I said I had decided to work more actively with Facebook, I immediately began to receive messages saying 'shame on you, [this is] an American social network, you are supporting the Zuckerbergs. We have our own network – Vkontakte,'” Medvedev said.
One of the participants at the meeting, a representative of South Ossetia, asked Medvedev to conduct a master class for her students. Medvedev said he would be happy to although he is not an expert on the subject.
Medvedev is registered on Twitter, has a blog on LiveJournal and an account on YouTube.
Medvedev's Twitter and LiveJournal accounts were named the best blogs in the Russian-language Internet in 2011.