A gala concert devoted to the reopening of the Bolshoi Theater after six years of renovation will be broadcast on EN.RIA.RU and on VTB-Rossii (vtbrussia.ru) website on October 28 from 7 p.m. Moscow time.
The gala concert will also be broadcast on Rossiya TV channel.
The show will feature exclusively Russian classical music and such opera celebrities as Placido Domingo, Dmitry Khvorostovsky, Natalie Dessay, and Violeta Urmana.
Dmitry Chernyakov is the director of the event. Vasily Sinaisky, the chief conductor and music director of the Bolshoi, will be conducting the orchestra.
Apart from its historical lobby, more hallways and the buffet, the Bolshoi now has an underground section for storing decorations in preparation for the next four to five performances. The reconstruction was also designed to double the Bolshoi’s area to 80,000 square meters.