Some 300 people were detained on Tuesday evening in central Moscow during a second evening of protests over alleged mass electoral fraud in favor of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's United Russia party.
© RIA Novosti . Ilya PitalevSome 300 people were detained on Tuesday evening in central Moscow during a second evening of protests over alleged mass electoral fraud in favor of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's United Russia party.

© RIA Novosti . Ilya Pitalev
Some 300 people were detained on Tuesday evening in central Moscow during a second evening of protests over alleged mass electoral fraud in favor of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's United Russia party.
© Photo : Oksana KusovaThe illegal demonstration was attended by around 1,000 people and took place at the city's Triumfalnaya Square, a short distance from the Kremlin. The rally came in the aftermath of a much larger protest on Monday, which drew up to 6,000.

© Photo : Oksana Kusova
The illegal demonstration was attended by around 1,000 people and took place at the city's Triumfalnaya Square, a short distance from the Kremlin. The rally came in the aftermath of a much larger protest on Monday, which drew up to 6,000.
© RIA Novosti . Ilya Pitalev / Go to the mediabankThe opposition protesters faced off against some 2,000 members of pro-Kremlin youth movements and a large contingent of Omon riot police.

The opposition protesters faced off against some 2,000 members of pro-Kremlin youth movements and a large contingent of Omon riot police.
© Photo : Oksana KusovaThe protest was at times a surreal affair, as early evening pedestrians and theatergoers mingled with groups of angry demonstrators from both sides, shouting competing slogans at each other.

© Photo : Oksana Kusova
The protest was at times a surreal affair, as early evening pedestrians and theatergoers mingled with groups of angry demonstrators from both sides, shouting competing slogans at each other.
© RIA Novosti . Ilya Pitalev / Go to the mediabank"Russia without Putin!" chanted the opposition crowd, retreating from time to time as Omon officers charged in to make arrests, while United Russia’s supporters shouted: “Yes to the elections! Yes to Putin!”

"Russia without Putin!" chanted the opposition crowd, retreating from time to time as Omon officers charged in to make arrests, while United Russia’s supporters shouted: “Yes to the elections! Yes to Putin!”
© Photo : Oksana KusovaFormer deputy prime minister and opposition leader Boris Nemtsov was among those detained by police as tempers flared. Sergei Mitrokhin, a senior member of the opposition Yabloko party, was also arrested. Both men were later released.

© Photo : Oksana Kusova
Former deputy prime minister and opposition leader Boris Nemtsov was among those detained by police as tempers flared. Sergei Mitrokhin, a senior member of the opposition Yabloko party, was also arrested. Both men were later released.
© RIA Novosti . Artem ZhitenevAlthough numbers fell far short of Monday's protest, which had been given the green light by the authorities, the crowd was still a significant increase on usual opposition protests in Moscow.

© RIA Novosti . Artem Zhitenev
Although numbers fell far short of Monday's protest, which had been given the green light by the authorities, the crowd was still a significant increase on usual opposition protests in Moscow.
© Oksana KusovaThe dueling demonstrations seemed to catch some local residents off guard.

© Oksana Kusova
The dueling demonstrations seemed to catch some local residents off guard.