North Korea’s state television aired on Sunday a documentary about the new leader, Kim Jong-un, in which he inspects troops and maneuvers a tank.
The film also shows him watching firing exercises, posing for snapshots with soldiers and even visiting an amusement park, in what appears to be the latest attempt to cement Kim Jong-un’s rule.
North Korea’s new young leader, who is believed to be in his late twenties, was named “supreme leader of the party, state and army” following the death of his father, Kim Jong-il, late last year.
He has pledged to continue with his father’s “military first” policies.
The documentary, entitled Succeeding the Great Work of the Military First Revolution, aired on what is reported to be Kim Jong-un’s birthday and is the second in a week seeking to highlight Kim’s military expertise. A week ago, footage showed Kim visiting a premier tank division.
Sunday’s documentary also shows him watching a rocket launch with his father in April 2009.
“I had decided to wage a real war if the enemies shot down” the rocket, he is quoted as saying.
In September last year, Kim Jong-il was made a four-star general and a vice chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Workers’ Party.